Choosing a Sauna Heater: Which One Is Best?

Which Is The Best Sauna Heater For Your Needs? Selecting The Sauna Heather That Works Best For You.

With all the sauna heater options available on the market today, it can be difficult to choose the right one. In order to help you find the best sauna heater for your needs, this article provides information about the options you might encounter.

If choosing the right sauna for your needs seems like a challenge, finding the best sauna heater can be an even more complicated affair. With so many options available today, the days in which a wood burning stove heated the air in the cabin are now long gone. In this article we will touch on the three main types of sauna heaters available on the market in order to help you decide which is the best sauna heater for your needs. Let's get started.

Finding The Right Sauna Heater

When you first look into installing a sauna in your home, the first thing you will decide upon is the type and size of your new sauna. Many people don't even remember the fact that they will require a good sauna heater until the very end. However, not giving serious consideration to which is the best sauna heater for your new sauna, can result in mistakes being made and not achieving the desired effects. So, in order to help you make a more informed decision, let's take a look at the three main types of sauna heaters available today.

Electric Sauna Heater

Considered to be the most convenient sauna heater on the market, the electric sauna heater is used when you want to get your experience started as quickly as possible. With an electric sauna heater, the heat and comfort of a sauna is achieved by flicking a switch. Because they can also be programmed to turn on at a certain time of the day, it is the best sauna heater for those looking forward to getting home after a long shift at work and the stresses of their day, and stepping into a sauna that is already hot and waiting for them to relax. Additionally, an electric sauna heater is not too expensive to run, and can efficiently heat up sauna rooms up to several hundred cubic feet in size, because of the wide range of models that are available.

Propane Sauna Heater

When you are looking for an environmentally friendly way to heat your sauna that is also cost effective, a propane sauna heater might be a good option for you. A propane sauna heater is an excellent choice for a fairly large sauna room, because it greatly reduces the potential cost of operation as compared to an electric sauna heater. This makes it a popular choice in the hotel industry and other large establishments in which the sauna room is used by several people at once and in a more frequent fashion.

Natural gas sauna heater

This type of sauna heater works in the same manner as its propane counterpart, and produces the same benefits in what refers to cost-effectiveness and environmental friendliness. Aside from this, both types of gas sauna heaters require less maintenance and are also less expensive to repair in case of a breakdown. Furthermore, the cost of replacement parts is also lower than for an electric sauna heater, making it the best sauna heater option when you are looking to run your sauna more often. One thing you should keep in mind is that a gas sauna heater, whether it runs on propane or natural gas, will take longer to heat your sauna than other options, and can take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes to be ready for use.

Wood sauna heater

If what you want is for your sauna experience to be as traditional as possible,or electricity or gas are not readily available in the area, a wood burning sauna heater is possibly the best sauna heater for you. A wood burning sauna heater works by using a wood burning stove to create the heat required for your sauna experience. While it can take between 30 and 60 minutes to reach the desired temperature, and it can be a little bit difficult to regulate, it is also one of the most convenient and least expensive sauna heater options available on the market today. This is especially true if your sauna will be located in a wooded area, where fuel is readily available, and it has the added benefit that you will be able to enjoy the sauna experience as it was meant to be, with relaxing heat, the option to create more steam, and a wonderful natural setting to bring it all together.

So, Which Is The Best Sauna Heater?

As you no know, the three main types of sauna heaters available come with a wide range of benefits that are unique to each one. Ultimately, the choice is yours and should be considered based on the specifics of your new sauna, including its location, the availability of fuel, the overall experience you are seeking, and the cost of running your sauna heater. If you are in a city, where electricity and gas are readily available, either one of these options might be the best sauna heater for your needs, but, if you plan on locating your new sauna in a more rural setting, a wood burning sauna heater might be the right choice instead. Don't forget to consider the time it takes to reach the correct temperature for a perfect sauna experience, and how easy it might be to operate. After all, even though a wood burning sauna heater might be the best and least expensive option, it might be more difficult to operate than an electric sauna heater that only requires you to turn on a switch. In the end, as long as you choose the sauna heater you think is best, your experience is bound to be as relaxing and rejuvenating as it was meant to be.